Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia – Roundtable »Impact and Potential Impacts of the War in Ukraine on the Western Balkans«
The Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia (EACS) organized a roundtable »Impact and Potential Impacts of the War in Ukraine on the Western Balkans«, which was held on April 5, 2023 on the Zoom platform.

The purpose of this roundtable was to assess the actual and potential effects of the war in Ukraine on the complex political and security situation in the Western Balkans. In the past year, several links between the crisis in Ukraine and various crises or situations in the Western Balkans have been made clear. Speakers from the region assessed the various situations in the region in the context of the war in Ukraine. Finally, they suggested ways to reduce the negative impact on the Western Balkans.

The roundtable speakers were dr. Sonja Stojanović Gajić, Member of the Executive Board and former Director of the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, Founder of Public Engagement; prof. dr. Sead Turčalo, Dean, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo; amb. Valentin Inzko, Former High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina (2009-2021) and former EU Special Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina (2009-2011); dr. Ramadan Ilazi, Head of Research, Kosovar Centre for Security Studies. The roundtable was moderated by prof. dr. Iztok Prezelj, President of the Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia & Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.