The Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) is an international association of 37 national chapters, non-governmental national councils, committees or associations that, since 1954, has been conducting research, analysis, training, education, and information activities on foreign policy, security and defense issues relevant to the Atlantic Alliance.
Relying on its extended and highly qualified network, ATA produces exemplary knowledge on strategic themes and promotes a variety of programs and events. ATA initiatives draw together government and institutional authorities, political leaders, decision-makers, diplomats, civilian and military officers, academics, economic actors, media representatives, as well as young professionals and researchers, in an effort to further a cooperative approach to security and international relations.
ATA has established cooperation programs with likeminded organizations in countries of the NATO Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative.
ATA also engages likeminded partners in countries and regional entities which are not part of NATO’s formal partnership frameworks. ATA outreach extends to Central Eastern Europe and the Balkans, the Mediterranean and the broader Middle East region, the Caucasus and Asia.
ATA attributes special relevance to the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA), with a view to preparing the new generation of Atlanticist leaders to face the challenges and threats of the present and future security scenario.
YATA organizes seminars, training courses and study visits, as an effective way to strengthen the skills, expertise and sense of identity of the new generation of Atlanticist leaders.
The ATA Secretariat is based in Brussels and coordinates the network of its 37 national Atlantic chapters and YATA activities.

An international organization
Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) continuously promotes Euro-Atlantic values, together with the effort of its members – associations, non-governmental national councils or committees in NATO member and partner countries from 37 countries in the world, while being committed to fostering transatlantic bonds and cooperation with the European Union.
As an international ‘umbrella’ organization of Atlantic councils, ATA serves as a liaison between the civil sector and NATO. The ATA added value is represented by its role in bridging the divide between NATO and civil society throughout the transatlantic region, with an impressive potential multiplier effect in reaching out to the wider public in different languages. The ATA offers information and educational programs pertaining to the Alliance’s activities to those who seek it.
Furthermore, in 1996 the Youth ATA (YATA) was formed to create a space for the successor generation of policy-makers, diplomats and academics to begin to shape the Transatlantic Relationship.
ATA plays a pivotal role in fostering relationships between members and partner countries, and it contributes to the promotion of NATO’s global role in keeping peace and security. ATA continues its mission to expand the reach of the transatlantic values and to bring new people into the Atlantic family. ATA is always ready to communicate the role of NATO and the Alliance’s enduring values to the public and successor generations. This is the main task for the ATA and YATA, which strengthen the vital link between the Alliance and the civil societies of the Member Countries, promoting a highly transparent dialogue.