ATA’s New Constitution Signed, Strengthening Bonds with Civil Society and Global Partners”
On Thursday, June 15th, 2023, the new Constitution of ATA was signed in Brussels. An updated Constitution opens a new era for the bonds between NATO and representatives of civil society, not only from NATO countries but also from NATO Partners worldwide. Atlantic Associations and Councils, members of the Atlantic Treaty Association from 26 NATO member countries, participated in the signing process of the deed either in person or by proxy.

Our Councelor and Legal Advisor Mr. Theodossios Georgiou and former President of ATA, chaired the Extraordinary Assembly and singed the legal deed on behalf of all Associations and Councils who delegated him by proxy. Mr. Loukas Kontakos-Menenakos, Program Officer of ATA, served as Secretary of the Assembly.

We would like to extend our special thanks to the Personalities who travelled the distance to attend this momentous day in ATA’s existence. We sincerely appreciate your presence and longue engagement in ATA. Our gratitude goes to Fabrizio Lucciolli (Italy), Krista Mulenok (Estonia), Chris Skaluba (USA), Aliki Mitsakos (Greece), Anna van Zoest (Netherlands), Jacques Rogiers (Belgium), Zsolt Rábai (Hungary), and Viktor Meczner (Croatia).

We also extend our gratitude to Mr. Nicola De Santis, Head of the Engagements Section in the Public Diplomacy Division of NATO and Ms. Alexandra Ntakou, the Program Officer at PDD /NATO, who despite their busy day with the Ministers of Defense at NATO, personally joined the ATA dinner later in the afternoon and be informed and convey ATA’s achievements to the NATO leadership.