Dr. Nad'a Kovalčíková
Senior Analyst and Director of the CFI project, European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)
Dr. Nad’a Kovalčíková is a Senior Analyst in charge of the Transnational Security portfolio at the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) and a project Director of the multi-million, EU-funded initiative “Countering Foreign Interference (CFI). A project to strengthen EU CSDP capacities against foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI)”. She is a member of the ESPAS foresight Steering Group; a member of the Advisory Board for the TEPSA project Raising Awareness on Disinformation, Achieving Resilience (RADAR); a mentor within the innovative network of Harvard Women in Defense, Diplomacy, and Development; an expert collaborator for Minsait’s Ideas for Democracy. She is a 2019 awardee and currently also a member of the Steering Committee of Women In International Security. Dr. Kovalčíková holds her PhD in Security threats of globalisation in the beginning of 21st century. One of her most recent publications includes a Chaillot book on Hacking Minds and Machines: foreign interference in the digital era.