Eesti NATO Ühing / Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association – Women, Peace and Security Conference 2023
The Women, Peace and Security Conference took place on October 13, 2023 in Tallinn, Estonia.
The purpose of the conference was to introduce and review UN Security Council Resolution 1325, its impact on women in conflict, the valuable role women play in resolving conflict, peace building, and the overall work of women peacekeepers in a global and national security framework.
In 2023 the conference focused on Women, Peace and Security in Ukraine. The conference featured two panel discussions, from both the International and Baltic perspective.
Panel discussion on “Women, Peace and Security Agenda in times of War – Lessons from Ukraine” provided insights and overview of the Ukrainian National Action plan on Women, Peace and Security and its implementation in times of war.
Panel discussion “Baltic Leadership and Support for Ukraine” examined how the gender perspective is taken into account while providing aid and support for Ukraine. The panel discussion examined Baltic states efforts to provide comprehensive support to Ukraine.
The Conference was organized in cooperation with the Embassy of Canada, the Embassy of Germany, NATO Headquarters, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Estonian Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Women, Peace and Security Agenda in times of War – Lessons from Ukraine”
Kersti Kaljulaid, President of Estonia 2016-2021, Global Advocate of the UN Secretary-General for Every Woman Every Child
Elisabeth Bauer, Women in International Security, Germany
Vladislava Gubalova, GLOBSEC CEE Her Initiative Lead, Slovakia
Dr Olga Derkach, Board member of the Ukrainian Association of Women in Law-enforcement (UAWLE), expert on Women, Peace and Security (online)
Moderator Tiina Intelmann, former EU Ambassador to Somalia and Liberia

“Baltic Leadership and Support for Ukraine”
Viktoria Iškina, NGO Mondo, Ukraine Project Manager, Estonia
Inga Samoškaite, Policy Analyst and Project Manager, Eastern Europe Studies Centre, Lithuania
Moderator Sigita Struberga, Secretary General, Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, Head of the Board of the NGO Women for Security

Kersti Siilivask, Women, Peace and Security Project Manager, Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association
Krista Mulenok, Secretary General, Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association
Sigita Struberga, Secretary General, Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, Head of the Board of the NGO Women for Security, Latvia
Inga Samoškaite, Policy Analyst and Project Manager, Eastern Europe Studies Centre, Lithuania

Margus Tsahkna, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

“Policy of Equality for Security. Challenges that Ukrainian Women face during the War”
Iuliia Paskevska, Head of NGO Association of Psychological Support, Advisor of Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, expert in gender psychology and human rights

“Women in Security – Mine Action Operations”
Yuliia Katelik, FSD Project Officer Ukraine